Important Notice:
SCCA Membership cards will now be checked at Registration upon Check-In. Expired cards or failure to be in possession of your card may result in being charged for a Weekend Membership. ($20 extra)
Schedule Notice:
LVRSCCA is following National SCCA’s lead regarding holding events during the Coronavirus threat. The following dates should be considered “tentative” until additional information develops.
Future Events, Details and updates will be added when they become available.
*Some Dates and Locations May be Subject to Change
Please Read Carefully! Covid Guidelines For Las Vegas Region Events:
There will be ZERO tolerance for violating any of the above rules. If found breaking them we will kindly ask you to leave the event.
We will have sanitizer stations available on site, please use them throughout the day.
If you feel unwell before the event and are registered, we will not charge you to cancel. Please stay home. Cancellation can be done through MotorsportReg or you can reach out the our registrar email listed on MotorsportReg.
TECH , Members At this coming event Tech will be as Quick and safe as we can make it, here’s what I’m asking of you.
Day schedule is:
approx 5:00PM – Event Ends. It would be highly appreciated if you would volunteer to help pack the equipment back into the Timing Bus. Many Volunteers make short work! Thank You!
Also note; Bring yourself water… lots of it… more than you think you will need. sunblock, hat, shade, ice, etc, would be a very good idea to bring. Stay cool, and Have Fun!
Blueberry Hill Family Restaurant, 4875 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89103, SE corner of Decatur and Flamingo.
Held on the last Tuesday of every month at 7:00PM.
Virtual Online Meetings for now due to the Coronavirus issue, stay tuned for future announcements.
Please send all agenda requests to Sec.LVRSCCA@gmail or use the contact form on the web site.
All items for discussion at the general membership meetings should have prepared proposals. Including but not limited to:
The New Idea, cost to club and participants, volunteer requirements, equipment requirements, venue.
Or, The Complaint, how to fix it, how much it will cost and who is going to do it.